----- Original Message -----
From: Jerry Karl <karl...@midwest.net>
To: <silver-list@eskimo.com>
Sent: Wednesday, October 25, 2000 7:35 PM
Subject: CS>Strep Throat

> I have been a lurker on the list for quite a while, but now I need some
> advice to give to a friend on the best way to use CS for a recurring
> Strep - Throat infection. How about some advice.
> Thanks,
> Jerry Karl

Hey Jerry,
. I'm not a doctor of medicine, so I cannot give you any medical advice for
your friend without risking big headaches with the federallies.......right?
However, I too had a strep throat infection in the past and I have no
reservations in telling you what I did to get rid of mine.... (this is
called "anecdotal evidence")! I think that it just MIGHT work for anyone
else with the problem.  OK?

Made some colloidal silver that tested out to around 10 parts per million.
Jump-started the ole immune system by taking a half ounce and swishing it
around under my tongue for a few minutes (sub-lingual absorption directly
through the soft tissues into the blood stream) and then gargled it for a
minute and swollowed it. Did this eight times the first day which wiped out
a 4 ounce bottle. Repeated this 4 times on the second day and 4 times on the
third day. (another 4 ounce bottle).  Took a moment to thank God for my
colloidal silver generator and all the money that it is saving me and for
the relatively good health I've been enjoying....... and that's it!  The
strep was gone and hasn't been back since!  Could be thats because I also
now take about one ounce a day to wash down my vitamin and mineral

Best wishes for your friend,

Robert Bartell

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