Joanne ThomasonDear Joanne and others,
I do not want to sell nothing or gain something from this autohemotherapy.
The liquid contained inside the bottles from the Lab. Nuñez, are prepared in
Mexico, and those bottles receive the blood from the patient. The bottle
NEVER goes back to Mexico. This writing is for only INFORMATIONAL purposes
and since that this is the colloidal silver list, this is -off topic-.
You and the other people do NOT need to say the word suspicious (as in a
criminal case) Remember I am not selling nothing. Say to your friend that
speaks and HOPE understand writing Spanish (Not is the same talking ... I
cannot talk, to read and write it... I can do it with some errors or
mistakes) to translate the total (whole) page. The autohemotherapy is OLD,
really old and sometimes works, sometimes not for the diseases your friend
mention. But this is a different thing. With the Doctor (not me I am not the
genius) that developed this technique, you can talk or I can be the portal
for that talking, and HE (maybe) will refer to the data with the results
with double blind studies, and with the results they got 10 years ago...
Today, this is a real true, a lot of patients (not say 600, say SEVERAL
THOUSANDS) are cured. Take it or leave it.
The Mexican authorities? Please do not make me laugh! The Health
authorities?... ditto.
At the General Hospital in Mexico, the "Doctors" and "nurses" re-use the
detachable material (syringes, covers for boots, mouth covers, latex gloves)
and in Mexicali they have only ONE baumanomether for the whole hospital. I
will go to the IMSS and ISSSTE and I will take some pictures with patients
with I.V. solutions waiting for the solution to end laying on the floor!
The interest from those Mexican authorities is only for the money that they
can get from the business or restaurants... because they ALWAYS find
something wrong and to avoid the "clausura seal" they pay millions of pesos!
But, interest in something not profitable? No way!
As I said, this is off-topic and "Do not forget I told you"
Alex Torres M.D.
P.S. Do you went to Aime page?
Hope yes. She needs you! Here YES, I NEED YOU! forget the vaccine please,
forget if you can be cured... remember Schopenhauer...
  -----Original Message-----
  From: Joanne []
  Sent: Tuesday, November 07, 2000 7:18 PM
  To: silver-list
  Subject: CS>Diabetes vaccine and fructose

  I sent Dr. Torres  message regarding  a vaccine for diabetes to  a f
friend who speaks spanish and was able to read his links.  I also asked him
the question regarding fructose.  His responses follow.  He is very
knowledgable abourt nutrition.

  Dear Joanne

  Since diabetes type II is not insulin-dependent (that is, the person's
  insulin normally), but insulin-resistant (that is, the insulin does not
  the expected
  results), it is clearly a bodily dysfunction that can be restored with
  care. I know
  that aerobic exercise, weight loss and proper food will do the trick.

  Other things might work too.

  Now, the way Alex Torres introduced his "vaccine" is quite suspicious.
  with some irresponsible declaration about eating habits (in his previous
  secondly, with so many useless references to the doctor who invented the
  It does not add value to know that he taught "Che" Guevara or that his
  father's  bone are in the "Rotunda".

  The immunization process he mentions is very well known. It has been used
  to treat a bunch of diseases, from acne and pustule to cancer and several
  other degenerative diseases. The results have always been more or less

  Now, I want to be very careful about this because altough I find
  here very suspect, I still think it might be worthwhile to do some

  It is a well-known fact that the tradional labs do not support medical
  that leads to cheaper treatments, especially of those diseases that force
  patient to take medicine for the rest of theirs lives. This represents

  of dollars a year and no lab wants to lose this.

  Also, researches conducted outside the US are not readily accepted by

  I read one of the articles mentioned by Alex Torres. Unfortunately, it is
  a good document. It is emotional. It mentions 600 patients cured of
  diseases, especially diabetes. But the way they "prove" the cure it by
  quoting the patients themselves. No blind test, no double blind, no lab
  are referred to. It still may work, but the articles are not acceptable.

  So, I am NOT saying this auto-vaccine can not work or will not work.
  What I am saying is that
  it requires further investigation before someone decides to take the risk
  having manipulated blood re-injected in his/her body. Since the blood is
  his/her own, risk is minimum, but still exists. Especially because flasks
can be

  intermixed, etc.

  Also, good eating habits plus exercise will not only control diabetes but
  bring other benefits. So, the most conservative and the safest decision
  is try this first.

  The general tone of Alex' messages coincides with the tone I found in the
  articles and papers he mentions: the cure does exist, but Mexican
  are not interested in acknowledging it; American authorities will not
  his merits; ...

  Nothing he says is necessarly wrong, but suspicious.

  In my opinion people should not eat any form of "purified" or "refined"
sugar. This includes
  fructose. In fact, sucrose, saccharose, glucose, maltose and the several
other "ose" are
  all "empty"  calorie. What this means is very serious. Let's say you eat
100g of any of
  these sugars. You'll get 400 calories, but no vitamins, no minerals, no
proteins, no fat.
  You still need such nutrients, so you'll have to eat additional food to
get those elements.
  What is worse: your body can not process sugar without consuming enzymes,
  and minerals, so you'll have to eat MORE in order to compensate for the
  the empty calorie food used up.

  So, you have two good reasons NOT to eat any form of sugar: a) excess
  b) nutrients depletion.

  Now, fructose, in a sense is better than all the other sugars, the reason
being it has
  a low glycemic index, which means it does not play havoc with your
  production, as the other sugars do.

  So, from the point of view of insulin resistance, fructose is better.
>From the point of
  view of nutrition, it is the same.

  There is another little factor in favor of fructose: since is it 1.5 times
sweeter than
  sucrose (table sugar), you would take less to have the same effect, so you
tend to
  end up with a little less empty calories.

  Now, there is a situation where you should NOT be affraid of fructose:
when you eat
  fresh fruits, like apples. In this case you'll be ingesting little
fructose (maybe 15 g)
  and it will be accompanied by very important vitamins, minerals, fiber,
enzymes, pectin,
  etc. So, go for it!

  Again, once fructose is synthesized or "extracted" from the fruits it is
not good
  anymore. Now, if you MUST have something sweet, among the bad stuff,
  fructose is the least dangerous.

        Joanne Thomason

        This is my Beautiful Sami Jo

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