I said, > would different voltages or amperages
produce different effects? 

You said, > I don't think so, in this LV range.  It's
different *frequencies* that affect different
pathogens in the Rife realm.

It's true that, with Rife, it was frequencies that
determined the pathogen-killing potential of a device.
But Beck's devices are not variable frequency, they
are based on variable current and voltage. The dial on
a Blood Electrifier does not regulate the frequency,
but the voltage. When I connect the two leads of a
voltmeter to the electrodes on my Blood Electrifier,
the voltage pulsates (it's read on the AC setting).
The higher up I turn it, the higher the voltage climbs
(to about 27 volts maximum, I understand). Russ
Torledge, the owner of SOTA, explained to me that
Beck's devices are not patterned after Rife's, nor do
they operate on similar principles. He said that the
reason a TENS unit does not effectively kill pathogens
is because it has too high a voltage (and/or current).
One would think that, if low voltage killed pathogens,
higher voltage would be even more effective, but Beck
says that is not the case.

The principle Rife utilized was essentially bombarding
a pathogen with its own frequency, but with the
"volume" turned up high, which apparently vibrated the
pathogen to pieces. Some of the Rife-like devices
today use a range of frequencies which are designed to
kill all pathogens within that frequency range.

Beck's devices are based on the 1990 discovery at
Albert Einstein College of Medicine (NY) that very low
voltage/amperage electricity could electrocute the HIV
virus. But Beck discovered that, actually, it appears
to electrocute ALL pathogens. 

The use, then, of a low-voltage adapter to bathe parts
of the body (such as the abdomen to rid it of
parasites), holds potential.

Robert Becker maintains that a very low current flow
hastens the healing of bones and tissue, especially in
combination with CS. So if I drank a significant
quantity of CS, and then bathed my stomach area with
6, 9, or 12 volts DC, would that increase the CS's

I said, > If I had reversed the poles on each side of
my waist, would it have had the opposite effect

You said, > No, that's just from Frankenstein movies. 
However, it may be advantageous to switch polarity

I wonder about that, what with the firmly held belief
that different magnetic poles effect us differently.
Is there a similarity between magnetic poles and
positive/negative current flow?

I said, > Is DC better than AC? 

You said, > There are low voltage AC power supplies
(e.g., with Alesis electronic musical instruments);
however, DC is said to be the most germicidal kind
of current flow.

Where did you hear that? I've never heard that before.

I said, > The next question is: How can I build in a
fuse or breaker to prevent any possibility of my
clients (or myself) getting electrocuted in case of

You said, > I've never heard of a small AC-DC
transformer shorting 120VAC to the output; they only
die, to my knowledge...

I too feel that the likelihood of that happening is
quite remote, but there are legalities to observe. If
I were to give, sell or recommend an adapter-driven
device to someone, and something happened (and someone
got hurt), I'd be up a creek. Even SOTA recommends
against using their Blood Electrifier plugged into the
wall, partially because they are concerned that
someone might fall asleep wearing it (and use it too
long), but also because of the possibility of an

With several clients willing to experiment, maybe I
will have something to report soon.

Terry Wayne

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