> Just out of curiosity,  I have been giving quite large  amounts of CS
> to myself and my children in trying to prevent the tummy bug from
> taking hold - we have all had controllable diarrhoea.  By that I mean
> 5 times each day instead of once or twice.  Why would CS do this?

I can respond to this as well as Nick's remarks in "What to believe?"

Sometimes when I think I'm coming down with something and take large
amounts of CS, it will trigger diarrhea.

I think it's mostly an issue of quantity. If you take enough volume of
CS I believe it does get far enough into the system to act on the
intestinal flora. How much is enough to do this? At least a pint or
two at a time, if my experience is typical.

The other thing that might irritate the bowels, aside from disrupting 
the digestive process by killing the flora, would be to kill pathogens 
in enough quantity to release their pathogens into your system, causing 
an exacerbation of symptoms. In other words, a Herxheimer reaction.

Which is it? Who knows? I'm just guessing. The conclusion Nick reaches
is a reasonable one: In the absense of evidence of harm and the
presense of ample demonstrations of benefit, why ask why? <wink>

Seriously, we always have to keep asking these questions. If ever
negative effects from CS *are* found, we need to know about it as soon
as possible. In the meantime, we all are responsible for our
decisions. I believe the stuff is safe, but I base that belief on
admittedly inconclusive and incomplete data. I accept the risk, but
recognise that it's there.

Be well,

Mike D.

[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[mdev...@eskimo.com                        ]
[Speaking only for myself...               ]

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