Hi Al,
I know how you feel about Ole Bob leaving.  You may want to forward this to him 
directly.  If I'm not mistaken, he's gone :<<<.  (I'd love to be wrong about 
this).  There were other factors involved with his leaving than just someone 
innocently mentioning his abruptness/grumpiness.  Hopefully, he'll be back 
:>>>.  I'll take this opportunity to say how much great information and help 
I've gotten from everyone on this list - Bob definately included.  Thanks to 
you all.

Vince Richter
  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Al Riley 
  To: silver-list@eskimo.com 
  Sent: Thursday, December 28, 2000 1:08 PM
  Subject: CS>"Ole Bob" Please Don't go away!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  Speaking just for myself.............Ole Bob has been of PRIMARY assistance 
in my voyage from a Newbie to a Silver Specialist.
  Bob, it was you who first taught me about the RS Motor that could very easily 
be adapted to a vessel and used to constantly stir the liquid!!
  Bob, it was you who first spoke to me of the distance between electrodes!!
  Bob, it was you who first spoke to me of the "wetted depth" of those 
  Bob, it was you who first spoke of "clear" colloidal silver, instead of Urine 
Yellow stuff!!
  Bob, it was you who titilated my considerations of going to HVAC!!
  Bob, it was you whose words finally convinced me that I would be better off 
just producing LVDC instead!!
  Bob, it was you who offered to test my unworthy samples for a reasonable 
  Bob, I'm just one person who has held on to your shirt tail as I worked my 
way to production of what I consider a reasonably good product!!
  Bob, it was your wit and inate caring that made this trip both fun and 
  Bob, leave if you must, but remember that there are many people out in the 
lurker zones who have clung to your every word and witicism, who waited for you 
to get back from your short vacations so they could hear your discussions once 
again.  Don't let just one person's criticism cause you to throw in the towel, 
you've had too great an impact on the lives of those whom you have helped!!  
Both my wife and I have benefitted greatly from the improvements that you 
instituted in my silver making.  Perhaps my wife is still alive today because 
of those improvements.
  You've shown us your great heart and your concern time after time after time, 
and been of service to God knows how many people.  Please continue that 
honorable service to us ignorant masses out here, continue to offer your wit, 
and continue to care enough to ignore solitary criticisms by people who 
probably just had a bad day themselves.
  Al Riley