Hi all,

It's always hard to strike a balance with my remarks. When one thing 
has gotten out of hand and I take a swat at it, other things often rise 
up to take its place.

Such it is with Marsha and Roger nipping at each other. (Hi folks!)

The "mo power" folks have sorta filled the void left when much of the 
OT chatter got shunted to the silver-off-topic-l...@yahoogroups.com ... 
The particular set of conflicts took on too much weight, what with 
nothing like Jason's testimonial and Beverle's questions to focus us.

Now, I hope we'll see the casual users come back out of hiding as we 
rein in the tech guys a little -- without hammering the technical 
discussions out of existence either!

I don't see the need for a single purpose list, so I don't agree with 
Marsha that the other guys should disappear. When they start hammering 
each other, yes, but not when they're behaving themselves.

But what happens if nobody says anything about the simple stuff and our 
willingness to help new people? What just happened is what happens! 
All the helpful folks disappear and newcomers see only the technical 
discussions (however well or il-behaved they may be at the moment).

It's usually been my job to pipe up once in a while to remind everyone, 
and inform the lurkers, that we have a dual role to fill here and that 
their basic questions are essential if we're going to be able to help 
them get what they need.

If I'm too busy to do that, which I have been, I think it's time to ask
some of you to step into the cheerleader role... Jason? Ivan? Marsha?
Any of a number of you are well suited to the task.

If there are no basic threads being worked, and it's been a day or two 
of nothing but tech stuff, it's time to chime in with an anecdote or 
comment and an invitation for questions. 

No need to play list-cop or criticize anything else that's going on
(talk to me instead!). The tech guys'll keep doing their job if we
just let'em. Nope, just a reminder for any new folks that stumble in to
start askin' questions if they want to get some help.

Is it starting to make some sense folks? 

My availability will rise and fall with my obligations here. I hope 
that I can get some of you seasoned veterans to help keep us in 
balance. Share the duties so nobody's under pressure, but take some 
responsibility for keeping the equilibrium going.

I welcome your feedback, folks.

Be well,

Mike D.
da owner...

[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[mdev...@eskimo.com                        ]
[Speaking only for myself...               ]

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