Hi again

Just looking for comments from those of you who have used zappers.

I went to a doctor yesterday for treatment as I have systemic candida.  He
had a machine, not unlike a zapper, in that you held copper pipes, and it
ran off a 9 volt battery.  It was attached to a computer which gave him
readings, and he used accupressure/accupuncture points.

I asked him about the zapper, since his machine was similar, and he was not
in favour of them.  He said it was because the range of frequencies that it
delivers to all the accupressure points in the hands, this in turn disrupts
the immune system.  Sort of overstimulates it.  I hope I am explaining it
o.k.  Anyway, it said it wasn't good for the immune system to be stimulated
in that way.

What do you all think?


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