Alvin Rose wrote:
> Hi Dean and Roger
> if you want to build a rife do not have
> to use a CB and linear amplifier..This was the Bare/Rife
> method which is expensive...It is necessary to buy a
> plasma tube for an emem3 but you can build the rest from
> local parts  1986 to 95 Buick Ignition coil and a Darlington
> transistor to drive it..I built one a few weeks ago and am having
> great success with it..    you can even use your computer
> and build one for $99. plus the phanotron tube ...see below
> also plans for stand alone emem3.
> The Rife Machines are getting amazing results too.
> Need more information  let me know.

I've been to the cicbs site a number of times but think it's beyond my
capabilities to build one even for only 99 dollars. :(


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