I haven't built any but I've helped to maintain some Rife/Bare devices.
This consists of a signal generator driving a CB radio which feeds into
a tuner and then into a linear amp using an argon tube as an antenna.
Thus the frequency from the generator is emitted by the tube. 
Tony wrote:
> In a message dated 3/24/01 3:27:55 AM EST, writes:
> << Rife's device -- the granddaddy of health electronics -- doesn't use
>  electrodes that connect to your body.  It generates a radio signal
>  that produces pulses in your body, similar to the zapper.  The
>  advantages of the Rife device is that 1) there is no body contact, and
>  many people are affected at the same time and 2) doesn't have the
>  disadvantages of either the zapper or Beck device.  It does have the
>  disadvantage of disrupting TV and radio signals anywhere near the
>  device (within hundreds of feet to miles, depending on conditions).
>  The cost of the zapper parts is under $20, while parts for a Beck
>  device is in the $40 - $60 range.  The Rife device costs hundreds of
>  $$ for parts.
>   >>
> Dean: Have you, or anyone you know about built a Rife machine? Roger

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