Thanks Frank,

In the future, to reduce list traffic, please consider my "thank you"
included in the original mail.

Be well,


-----Original Message-----
From: Frank Key []
Sent: Wednesday, March 28, 2001 6:50 AM
Subject: Re: CS>Milky color

James wrote:

> Sols made by the CSpro HV machine are said by the manufacturer of the
> machine to be clear.

When the particle concentration gets to about 1 ppm, you can see the
(cloudyness). So in higher concentrations, it is turbid.

> When I attempt to make concentrations [presumably of particles] greater
> about 9 mg/l I frequently encounter a cloud virtually identical to the
> photo link.  I have assumed this means larger-than-ideal particles.

It is not necessarily true that the particles are larger than ideal, just
there are a lot of particles. In the photo I posted, the particles were
measured at less than 30 nm which is smaller than most cs produced.

> Frank: have you measured for particle size any of the "milky" sols? I see
> the web reproduction a faint yellow tinge; this is identical to the stuff
> occasionally make.

The particles of the sol in the photo are less than 30 nm.

In the photo, the greenish-yellow tinge is the borosilicate glass bottle,
not the cs. If you get a yellow tinge, then there is some amount of large
particles that are absorbing the blue the spectrum.

frank key

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