I don't know if any of you caught Dateline the other evening.  They did a 
"hidden camera" piece on the Anti Aging Conferences (LasVegas and elsewhere). 
 They only revealed a few anti aging modalities which I thought for sure CS 
would be one. 
The TV crew spoke with everyone with the hidden camera then came back with a 
very evident camera in tow, looking to interview these same people and 
discuss there wonderful products.  
As soon as the vendors saw the camera, most would not comment. Not the fellow 
with the Rife machine though, he kept right on touting the benefits of his 
I had not heard of the Anti Aging Conferences, I guess you have to get on a 
mailing list. Still wondering if someone might have had a CS booth there, as 
there were so many alternative modalities.
Terri L.