This is one of those little advantages to HTML email. The virus can be
imbeded right into it so that no attachment is necessary. This is a good
argument for plain text email which at least stops one possible source of
virus transfer.

Jim Wright

-----Original Message-----
From: []
Sent: Monday, May 14, 2001 11:07 PM
Subject: CS>re: Re: CS>Flesh eating bacteria - Dangerous virus attached
you your email


As you already know, this email had a virus attached.  The dangerous thing
about it is that it kicked-in as soon as I opened the message.  It wasn't
included as an attachment - which I NEVER open.  That is scary, as the next
one might not be as easy to get rid of.

Steve Radcliff

> ** Original Subject: Re: CS>Flesh eating bacteria
> ** Original Sender: "A.V.R.A" <>
> ** Original Date: Mon, 14 May 2001 21:07:40 -0400 (EDT)

> ** Original Message follows...

> Thank you for reporting your own personal experience, Stephen.  I am most
glad your son recovered!
> PS:  You have the Kak virus....
>   ----- Original Message -----
>   From: Stephen K. Hessler, NMD
>   To:
>   Sent: Monday, May 14, 2001 11:23 AM
>   Subject: Re: CS>Flesh eating bacteria
>   Hello, AVRA and silver list...Had a son which got his legs
broken/crushed clear to the bone in a very dirty wound.  While in the hosp.
I took him silver colloid  which looked like grape juice at the rate of two
quarts a day during a pseudomonas infection and other ramifications.  He
said that he would drink the colloid and the wound which was left open for
debridement would soon begin running and soaked the bed evidently washing
the leg from the inside out.  They wouldn't let us dress the wound.  Got
rid of the infection and with Divine intervention/help he is out of the
hosp and still has both legs.

>** --------- End Original Message ----------- **


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