
There has been information exchanged related to H2O2 and ozone creation on this 
That is the reason for this question:

Does anyone know how to effectively increase the oxygen level in a person's 
My wife has serious scarring of both lungs due to pulmonary Sarcoidosis.  
Recently, her  oxygen absorption rate has dropped to around 82% after walking a 
short distance (down the hall), and she is constantly tired.  In hopes her 
recent drop is being caused by infection in her lungs, I have just started 
giving her around 6 ounces per day of CS made using the information provided by 
Dr, Jon to make CS.  No apparent effect yet.

Dr. Jon also intimated that a few drops of  food grade hydrogen peroxide (35%) 
in water 
might help.  In addition, he suggested an ozone generator (using a plan shown 
on his web site) might help.  Haven't tried that yet, but am getting ready to 
if her condition doesn't soon improve.

Does ANYONE have any thoughts or suggestions on how to help MT wife?  It is 
tearing me up to see her unable to breath without the constant use of an oxygen 
generation machine.

Thank you,

Steve Radcliff

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