If I may comment;

I never heard about the silver in the water barrel, but I have never
researched the issue.  I have heard about the dollar in the milk jug.  What
is the pH of milk?  I suspect it is chemically more active than many waters.

James-Osbourne: Holmes

-----Original Message-----
From: Frank Key [mailto:fr...@strsoft.com]
Sent: Tuesday, May 22, 2001 12:36 PM
To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Subject: Re: CS>Scientific Debate & "One Upsmanship"


It is safe to say that you have concluded from your experiment that silver
does not dissolve in water?

If that is the case, what could one deduce from the old stories about the
silver dollar in the water barrel?

Could one surmise that contact with the metallic silver is what caused the
water to stay fresh?

frank key

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