"If" a little zinc and iron won't matter, perhaps some galvanized picture
hanger wire to hold the coins? ..and still try to avoid contact with the
 Point being, if one had the silver wire, one wouldn't need to use coins.
The cost of both is about the same...maybe more for coins.

At 09:39 PM 6/8/01 -0500, you wrote:
>If you are dead set on using your silver coins then do what someone
>suggested.  Drill a hole in the coin near one edge that is slightly
>larger than a #14 silver wire. Put a piece of wire through the hole and
>bend it back and hammer it down. leave about 2"
>of wire that can go through the cover on which you can connect the
>alligator clips.
>It seem to me that several members are trying desperately to make a
>mountain out of a mole hill.
>One other thing; don' t any of you know what "delete" key is
>for????????????/ Tagged on to dotties answer was about five previous
>messages, which I have deleted before sending this !!!!!!
>"Ole Bob"
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