The saline is to get initial conductivity up so the process will start
faster.  Getting things going is what takes the most time.  A better way is
to use some of a previous batch of CS.
 Hotter water conducts electricity better, so things get going faster,
therefore, higher PPM for a given time.
 If you use the salt, you'll probably get a milky looking result and
possibly silver chloride.
 The CS turns yellow in process because it is made too fast.  The particles
are not given time to properly hydrate and will clump together into larger
particles.  Constant stirring helps speed up hydration so the CS can be
made faster and stay colorless but even that has some limits.

 It's unlikely that that uncontrolled generator will make a colorless small
particle CS beyond about 5 PPM due to "runaway".

At 08:44 AM 6/10/01 -0700, you wrote:
>Silver  Solutions unit that I have is a simple three 9 volt batteries in a
>series.  2 six inch silver wires were included. He recommends addiding  one
>drop of a saline solution to 16 ounces of water. 4-5 inches of the silver
>wires are immersed into the water. For each minute of activation  he states
>1 PPM of C-S is created. 16 oz @ 72 degrees + 8 minutes = 5 PPM. If the
>water is heated to 82 degrees then he achieves 10 PPM, 92 degrees = 20 PPM
>and 102 degrees at 8 minutes = 40 PPM
>Longer times would be necessary if the saline solution was not added and a
>Golden Color would also develop.
>Almost right away one sees the electrolysis and a silvery cloud forming. One
>wire turns black.
>This method sounds much faster  than most of the ones I heard on this list
>and was wondering about other opinions?
>Ed Kasper L.Ac., Acupuncturist & Medicinal Herbalist
>Santa Cruz, California &
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