Greetings Stephen...

Excellent suggestion using bentonite in the treatment.  I've been
researching healing clays for many years, and I have a few questions to

What is the purpose of the charcoal in the treatment, and do you know the
origin of using charcoal?

When using cayenne pepper ( something I have not done with healing clays )
do you notice an increase in tissue irritation?

That's an extremely wise combination that you've put together there.  I'd
like to remind others who are experimenting with healing clays to be
extremely cautious with additives when using bentonite and other haling
clayes.  When in doubt, it is wisest not to do it!

I'd certainly be interested in discussing healing clays further ( perhaps
off-list since it's off-topic ) Stephen...

----- Original Message -----
From: "Stephen Hessler" <>
To: <>
Sent: Monday, June 18, 2001 8:28 AM
Subject: Re: CS not working on a leg infection

> Hi List...........I have discovered and used a combination of elements for
> drawing out infections.  One cancer on the nose.  One prospective amputee
> which they had removed about 1/3 of the bottom of her foot and when I saw
> there was nothing but exposed bone, flesh, cartilage and it was
> with staph.  She had no feeling in her feet for years and poor
> Used 3 cups bentonite, 1 cup charcoal (best with 30% ash), 1 cup
> diatomaceous earth, 1/4 cup 130,000mhu cayenne pepper and 4 quarts of
> colloid to make this into a paste.  In one week it had drawn out the
> infection and now in about 2 months the wound is almost totally closed and
> good measure of feeling has returned to the area affected.  Am now trying
> get them to apply the paste to the rest of the foot to see if it will draw
> circulation and sensitivity back into the rest of the foot.  Hope this
> helps.
> Stephen K. Hessler, N.M.D.
> HC  1  Box 175
> Centerville, MO 63633
> 573-924-2254 (usually home after 8 pm)
> --
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