Last week I was visiting my daughter about 30 miles East of 
Sacramento.(California) We went for a walk with the kids and the dog.  After we 
got back we found a tick on the dog.  Later that day while shopping a tick fell 
off me.  After we got home Nancy found two ticks on her.  The next day I found 
another one on me. Today, three days later and three showers later, after I got 
home, I found two more on me.   Except for the first one they all had a hold of 
me and were digging in.  The clothes I was wearing were not even with me  in 
Sacramento.....The questions are:
Where were those ticks for three days?  
Do all ticks carry lyme?
If they do and one gets it what are the symptoms to watch for?  My daughter was 
concerned as there apparently are  ticks around her place this year.  I told 
her I would try and get some info. for her as I know some of you have had to 
deal with lyme.
Thank you

I am posting this to both lists