Dear Yvonne,
    German Shepards are notorious for hip dysplasia problems.  Years ago we
came across an ancillary protocol which worked "splendidly" for us (in fact
it saved our 15 yro Shepard from having to be put down).  We instigated the
use of alfalfa (in tablet form), at a quantity of 1200 mg per day ---for
three days---then reduced the dosage to 800 mg thereafter.  Within 4 days he
could get up unassisted and almost pain-free.  Within 10 days he was
completely pain-free and continued to be so for the remainder of his life.
He lived on to the age of 18 years.....passing on from more natural causes
of advanced age----unrelated to his dysplasia.  The alfalfa protocol was
required as a continuing protocol for the remainder of his life.  Whenever
it was discontinued for five continuous days, his dysplasia symptoms would
start to reappear.  We have, since, used this protocol to assist in many
cases of  articulating joint problems in dogs (my wife and I still have
10....all "throwaways" by considerate humans---7 of which are advanced in
age [ 12 or older]......none of which exhibit arthritis.  We give them
alfalfa (three standard tablets daily for small dogs and eight tablets for
large ones), together with glucosamine
sulphate capsules/tablets @ 50 mg per 15 lbs body-weight..  If one has many
dogs....or is economy minded.....the use of powdered alfalfa (obtainable
from any feed store) at the rate of 1 teaspoon daily....mixed into their
moisturized-food, has proven to be a most valuable health support.
        Regarding the lower intestinal tract bacterial
might consider the following modification:   Using a small bulb-type
syringe, give the dog an enema solution  containing 80% CS (10 to 20 ppm)
and 20% DMSO.  Lower DMSO concentration to 15% if dog exhibits noticeable
stress from tissue irritation.  Repeat this protocol three times daily at 4
hour intervals.  The odds for bacterial control---using this protocol---are
quite high and any side effects quite benign.
            I wish you the very best good fortune in preserving and
extending the healthy and happy life of your beloved pet.
                    Sincerely, Brooks Bradley.
Disclaimer.  Please remember, we are not veterinarians and DO NOT practice
veterinary medicine.  These are simply some of the EXPERIMENTAL protocols we
have evaluated over the past years.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Yvonne and Mickey - BIO-SIL" <>
To: <>
Sent: Friday, June 29, 2001 7:18 AM
Subject: CS>Doggie-help please!

> Hi there!   I'm not sure if this is a repeat but I never saw it appear on
> the list so think original message may have gotten lost in cyberspace!
> If anyone can help I'd be most grateful:
> 1. My German Sheppies nearly 10 years old - brother  has very stiff joints
> and doesn't move with the ease and grace he used to possess
> 2. His sister has an apparently common to GSDs problem - which is anal
> fistulae (bacteria which literally burrow through the intestines and right
> out the back under tail).   Vets we've consulted and whose treatments have
> not worked, say there is no cure and kindest move is to euthanase.   Well,
> this is not an option to me right now as she seems fairly happy otherwise.
> The part under her tail looks 'raw' and is quite malodourous.   I am of
> course giving CS internally and spraying directly.
> Thank you kindly!
> Yvonne :o)
> --
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