Hello everyone.

I've been reading this list for several days now.  This is my first message.  
I'm Cheryl, 45 years old, Ashland KY.  I've been almost completely disabled by 
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome since Oct. 24, 1993.

I "brewed" my first batch of CS one night about 5 days ago and took a swallow.  
Within 1.5 hours, I was itching intensely from head to toe.  The itching wore 
off in a little while.  I did thorough research prior to deciding to try CS, so 
I was fairly confident that this wasn't an allergic reaction.  In fact, I 
wasn't even sure it was related to the CS. My quality of life is such that I 
don't have a lot to lose anyway, so I  woke up the next morning and continued 
taking a swallow of the CS periodically throughout the day, and have every day 
since.  I just imagined that the itching was the gleaming silver particles 
waging war with things in my body that shouldn't be there.  For the first few 
days, each time I consumed CS, the itching was a little less intense.  Now I 
don't itch at all.  I'm sure now that the itching was caused by the CS.  
Whether it was an allergic or Herxheimers reaction is anybody's guess.

In addition to the itching, within the first 3 days, I experienced extreme 
diarrhea.  And I awoke yesterday morning with a severe relapse of my CFS.  I'm 
drinking large amounts of spring water and continuing the CS in the hopes that 
it's doing something positive for my body.  

I'd like to hear from any of you that have used CS in conjunction with a 
serious chronic illness . . .  has it helped you . . . did you experience any 
unusual symptoms after starting CS . . . etc.  Also, does anyone care to 
speculate about the nature of the itching I experienced?  Any advice anyone can 
offer would be greatly appreciated.

You are an interesting lot, that's for sure.  I've enjoyed reading the list so 

: )  Cheryl