I get an unable to find that page error with that url.


Nick Grant wrote:

> Hi Cheryl Look up www.goodnews.co.nz  this guy I know fixed his CFS
> using this form of Olive leaf.  hey, I have no vested interest in
> this, just passing this info along to you.  He was bedridden totally.
> Just cleaning his teeth was a major effort! Tracy
>      ----- Original Message -----
>      From: JudytheK
>      To: silver-list@eskimo.com
>      Sent: Sunday, 8 July 2001 07:21
>      Subject: RE: CS>Intro - Allergy or Herxheimers? - General
>      Advise Please
>       Hi, Cheryl -- the first time I took some CS I started
>      itching within an hour, and I interpreted it to be all the
>      little buglets scrambling to get away before they croaked.
>      No itching since.However, to avoid Herxheimers, I would
>      start the first day with a couple of teaspoons 3X/day,second
>      day 2 tablespoons 3X/day,  then level off at 1/4 cup 2X/day
>      or whatever your plan is. I myself would not "sip"
>      periodically but stick to asensible plan. I think
>      Herxheimers is a real danger.
>           -----Original Message-----
>           From: Cheryl [mailto:c...@verizon.net]
>           Sent: Saturday, July 07, 2001 2:30 PM
>           To: silver-list@eskimo.com
>           Subject: CS>Intro - Allergy or Herxheimers? -
>           General Advise Please
>           Hello everyone. I've been reading this list for
>           several days now.  This is my first message.  I'm
>           Cheryl, 45 years old, Ashland KY.  I've been
>           almost completely disabled by Chronic Fatigue
>           Syndrome since Oct. 24, 1993. I "brewed" my first
>           batch of CS one night about 5 days ago and took a
>           swallow.  Within 1.5 hours, I was itching
>           intensely from head to toe.  The itching wore off
>           in a little while.  I did thorough research prior
>           to deciding to try CS, so I was fairly confident
>           that this wasn't an allergic reaction.  In fact, I
>           wasn't even sure it was related to the CS. My
>           quality of life is such that I don't have a lot to
>           lose anyway, so I  woke up the next morning and
>           continued taking a swallow of the CS periodically
>           throughout the day, and have every day since.  I
>           just imagined that the itching was the gleaming
>           silver particles waging war with things in my body
>           that shouldn't be there.  For the first few days,
>           each time I consumed CS, the itching was a little
>           less intense.  Now I don't itch at all.  I'm sure
>           now that the itching was caused by the CS.
>           Whether it was an allergic or Herxheimers reaction
>           is anybody's guess. In addition to the itching,
>           within the first 3 days, I experienced extreme
>           diarrhea.  And I awoke yesterday morning with a
>           severe relapse of my CFS.  I'm drinking large
>           amounts of spring water and continuing the CS in
>           the hopes that it's doing something positive for
>           my body. I'd like to hear from any of you that
>           have used CS in conjunction with a serious chronic
>           illness . . .  has it helped you . . . did you
>           experience any unusual symptoms after starting CS
>           . . . etc.  Also, does anyone care to speculate
>           about the nature of the itching I experienced?
>           Any advice anyone can offer would be greatly
>           appreciated. You are an interesting lot, that's
>           for sure.  I've enjoyed reading the list so far. :
>           )  Cheryl

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