
Does this mean you took in by mouth?  Or did you just use vaginal
suppositories?   Or both?

My friend has systemic.  She has been tested for 2 yrs but is making no
progress.   Just retested and it's still just as bad after all of the things 
she has


In a message dated 07/15/2001 1:19:09 PM Central Daylight Time, writes:

> Edith- 
> When I had candida, self disgnosed because of the vaginal itching, I had 
> just 
> gotten rid of many many amalgam fillings (mercury laden) which had me 
> itching 
> from accumulated toxicity.  For a while I had bouts with vaginal candida 
> (never tested by a  physician, I assumed it was Candida).  I visited an 
> Herb 
> Shop in  my town (that has since gone out of business) where I was told 
> about 
> Tea Tree OIl and given a pamphlet on how to go about the treatment. 
> I just looked for the information about Tea Tree Oil that I used and cannot 
> find the pamphlet . . . All I remember (from 4 years ago) is that it took 
> two 
> weeks and it hasn't returned ... 
> Sorry I can't find the brand name (it was supposed to be a very pure 
> product).  I will keep looking since the HErb Shop went out of business and 
> I 
> lost that as a contact or source... 
> Sorry. 