Tom wrote:
> I am going into the archives now to search, but in the past I have
> missed a topic that was Archived because of the vast amt of info there
> and how the info was cataloged.

One bit of advice for searching the archives is to use the "Power
Search" link rather than the simple Subject search that's on the main 
index page. It lets you search the bodies of the messages.

In case any of you haven't tried 'em yet, the web address of the 
archives are in the little footer thingie attached at the bottom of 
this and every message from the list. Read carefully! That silly chunk 
of text that everybody forgets is there really has a *lot* of useful 
information in it! <GRIN>

Be well,

Mike D.
silver-list owner

[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[                        ]
[Speaking only for myself...               ]

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