Robbing trains was once impossible, then became a fashion till trians no
longer carried much that was valuable.
 We will see more.
 Some will be from our own.
 There is no shortage of the brain dead progammed robotica with some
mindless "statement" to any country.  Where reason doesn't
reside, no real reason is needed.
 Give everyone a pistol with their boarding pass. [The means to say no?]
The plane might crash but it's less likly to hit its target.

At 09:45 PM 9/11/01 -0400, you wrote:
>Duncan, I have thought along this thread all day, but trying to make the
>pieces fit that theory is hard; you would have to employ at least 4
>zombies to carry it out. 
>   Oklahoma City has been called a "Reichstag",  referencing when Hitler
>called his best generals together, and then bombed the building to blame
>anti Nazi factions.
>   But 4 simultaneous suicide bombers is  a pretty remote possibility.  
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