Duncan Crow wrote:

> My first instinct with regard to the attack is that it's a sophisticated
> inside job -- designed to destabilize, drum up public support, then
> ultimately offer a solution that will further an agenda. That's right, I
> am suspicous it's the Illuminati and their agenda of global domination. Of
> course
> they'll work hard to obscure the information and effect a spin by the media,
> which they also control.
> Ever hear of the Bilderberg group?
> There's a full discolsure on  www.davidicke.com ......see the online stuff
> and some of his videos and the books, especially "The Biggest
> Secret"............

Confirmations seem to be coming in now.

I had said upon hearing that the towers had collapsed that it could not have
happened without well placed explosives yesterday.
Three references which support this view follow.


>From http://www.cyberspaceorbit.com/WTCspiracy.htm:

After seeing the footage I still could not understand how it could happen.  Now
several independent sources are indicating that the buildings did indeed get
blown up from inside.

Engineering experts say WTC towers brought down by explosives: Gov't

Source claims BushMob instigated/abetted attacks to initiate global 'Oil War'

Professional structural engineers and architects who analyzed video footage of
the World Trade Center towers collapse nearly TWO HOURS AFTER jets were
deliberately crashed into the upper levels of the two buildings, maintain that
the total collapse of the structures was the result of explosives previously
placed within them, according to a highly-placed and well-informed government

Our contact was present as engineers viewed footage of the WTC towers
collapsing, and heard first-hand as these experts stated without any uncertainty
that ONLY internally-placed explosives could be responsible for the two
buildings giving way as they did.

The fact that explosives planted in the lower levels of the MASSIVELY-guarded
World Trade Center towers -- where they would do the MOST structural damage --
brought the buildings to the ground long AFTER the hijacked jets crashed into
the upper levels, AND even MORE so the fact that this information is being
from the public, completely undermines the "official" story about the
devastation wrought both in New York City AND in Washington D.C. today. This
proves conclusively that to a shockingly great extent, what took place today was
very much an "INSIDE JOB."

According to our source, the BushMob was very much involved in the terrifying
atrocities carried out today, primarily in furtherance of one specific agenda.
He says that this how the ruling elite has decided to initiate the "Oil War";
and that the tens of thousands killed in the destruction of the World Trade
Center will by the rallying point and battle cry; by which the understandable
desire of the American people to avenge those deaths will be manipulated and
directed into support for military
actions against certain Arab nations which control a large percentage of the
world's oil reserves.

This source also feels it's certain that bona fide Moslem extremists were
utilized in carrying out the actual attacks.

What happened to airport security?

What happened to Air Traffic Control?

Why weren't the hijacked aircraft intercepted?

HOW did a hijacked plane EVER manage to penetrate PENTAGON airspace?

And also: WHAT would even the most crazed, fanatical terrorists hope to
accomplish by inflicting such massive and severe destruction against the world's
strongest military power, other than calling down utter and complete devastation
upon their
countrymen's' heads???

What exactly would these terrorists achieve by such actions?


>From http://www.greatdreams.com/trade.htm

Subj: WTC Towers' Collapse Due to Explosives on Lower Levels, NOT Jet Crashes

 Date: 9/11/2001 2:48:50 PM Pacific Daylight Time

 From: top_vie...@yahoo.com (TOP_VIEW)


 Further proof has surfaced that there is far more to military assault which led
to the destruction of the World  Trade Center towers in New York City than we
are being led to believe.

Analysis of film and video footage of the collapse of the two World Trade Center
towers subsequent to the  buildings being struck by hijacked jetliners, along
with eyewitness accounts, lead to the inescapable and provable  conclusion that
the collapse of the towers was NOT caused by the jet crashes. Massive explosions
at lower levels  of the towers that took place well AFTER the jets crashed into
the upper levels of the towers were POSITIVELY  responsible for the total
collapse of the two buildings. These explosions has NOTHING to do with the plane

 This aspect of the hideous disaster shows clearly the tremendously extensive
coordination, organization and  planning which went into the military attacks
today in New York City and Washington D.C., providing even more  proof that what
occurred today was an INSIDE JOB in every way imaginable.

 WAY inside, and all the way to the very top. Right to the Oval Office, and the
global power elite of the Bush  International Crime Family.


also from http://www.greatdreams.com/trade.htm


 Hello there,

 I am in the office and just had a phone call from a friend in Germany..She told
me that on the German news  channel they were exactly showing how both buildings
the world trade center had an explosion on the bottom of  the buildings to make
them fall..it was not because of the planes...they are fooling the American
poeple again..this  is no Islamic Terrorists thing..This is Bush and Co...

 The symbols of American Capitalism has been destroyed..the way for a war in
Middle East is free...NWO says  Hi...

 Good luck.


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