Please move this discussion over to the off topic list.  There are a lot of
posts you made that I would like to respond to, but we have been told to drop
the subject on this list.


Ode Coyote wrote:

>   Anyone notice that the date was 911?
> Ken
> At 09:11 AM 9/13/01 -0600, you wrote:
> >Dear Group, OT, yes, but interesting.
> >In 2 quatrains Nostradamus predicted "fire in the skies over the New City."
> >and "Death raining down at a latitude of 45 degrees north".
> >I`m paraphrasing.
> >Most interpreted these to be nuclear bombs over NYC, but maybe Tuesday`s
> >horrors is what old Nosty saw.
> >Marshalee
> >
> >
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