Stephen wrote:

> After several references in past postings by the manufacturer of the subject
> product ....concerning its quality and effectiveness, and now two most
> recent quotes [below] the past day or so, the truth of the matter begs to be
> shown, since his comments are not only self-serving but, more important,
> misleading.

Scientists in many disciplines are aware of the fact that chemical reactive is 
a function of surface area. In a colloid, that means "particle surface area".

Knowing that fact, the scientists at CSL spent years on research to create a 
process that produces colloids which a have high "particle surface area".
Our tests have repeatedly confirmed that "particle surface area" is a metric by 
which colloids can be compared for effectiveness.

It is without a doubt, that we assert that Mesosilver has the highest "particle 
surface area" of any colloid ever produced.

That "particle surface area" is a determinant of colloidal effectiveness is a 
fact known and acknowledged throughout the scientific world. 

That Stephen is unaware of this speaks more about his understanding of science 
(or lack thereof) than it does about his claims that our product is based on 
"spurious science".

frank key


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