There was TV show about this a few years backand according to narrator, "there
are no machines which can cut the rock so precisely (from the coral reefs) nor
that many machines to lift that weight. Shaping and balancing them so well the
even a child can easily swing (the door). Apparently whenever a neighbour tried
to spy on him, he would stop whatever he was doing and wait.  I have not read
any reports of anyone watching him actually handling the rock. BTW he moved the
whole building to the current location from a more coastal area. He dismantled
it and loaded on to a truck after making the driver look the other way. The
driver never saw how those huge blocks got up on his truck!....

Harsha Godavari

Quietcove wrote:

> I believe that a single 100lb man could not load most of a flatbed semi
> with 2 ton blocks in a half an hour, even using a fork lift, let
> alone a block and tackle. A feat this guy accomplished according
> to the driver. Let alone moving and righting 35 and 40 ton pieces
> by himself.... He is described as only having a simple block and
> tackle. Even if it were 4 pulleys, the numbers just don't add up.
> How long a lever would you need to move 40 ton? I am not at all
> convinced that it could be accomplished with just one man and
> simple tools using conventional technology. I think the photo
> may have been a put up job to maintain his privacy. There must
> have been considerable talk and curiosity at the time.
> qc
> -----Original Message-----
> From: panamabob []
> Sent: Tuesday, September 25, 2001 2:27 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: CS>Pyramid etc. South Florida
> At one time I was impressed by the build up of this undertaking, and heard
> many "hints" that he knew some mystical power in creating the work. But
> thanks to the website you included I can once again be at peace.
> In one of the photos it shows him using basic block and tackle, i.e.
> pulleys, to lift a building unit. With that and the "mysterious" claim of
> learning the laws of leverage I feel there is no magic here. Patience yes,
> as well as determination, but no super natural powers other than basic
> "machines". Perhaps we have forgotten these basic tools in todays society of
> infernal combustion and electricity motors, and they may appear amazing to
> innocent eyes, but once again, no real lost knowledge.
> Thanks for helping clear up a burr in my saddle.
> bob
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Harsha Godavari" <>
> To: <>
> Sent: Monday, September 24, 2001 11:11 PM
> Subject: Re: CS>Pyramid etc. South Florida
> > Bob:
> >
> >  If you are talking about Coral Castle, here are a couple of  URLs to give
> > your story and a little map to get there  :-)
> >
> > Regards
> > Harsha Godavari
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > Marshall Dudley wrote:
> >
> >
> >
> --
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