The Panama canal is certainly an amazing feat of engineering. It
required thousands of men and millions of man hours. The technology
was fully understood, even if the scale was a bit daunting, as it
had never been tried before. The grand gallery in the great pyramid
is equally as impressive.

4th dimensional mysterio energy forces? Hmmm, well ok... I was
thinking more along the lines of physics that are yet to be
fully understood, like gravity. Did the ancients know things
that we don't? They managed to move and set stone blocks so large
that we still don't have the technology to move them.

Block and tackle, I've understood the principal since I
was 6 years old. My grandfather was a physicist who had a theory
that you could teach anything to a child if he was taught
early enough. Even with 4000 lbs of pull you are still far
short of the requirement to raise an 80,000 lb piece of stone. Not
to mention the fact that the equipment needed to raise such a
piece of stone could hardly be missed by curious neighbors. Nor
would it be possible for a single person to set up a tripod
of the size and strength needed, raise the stone, and take
it all down in the period of one night, in the dark.

Certainly a lot of questions. Is it probable that a single
100 lb man could raise a 40 ton stone without anyone observing
the task? Ed did it four times, twice each in two locations
with no one the wiser. Did he have access to some technology
that we are unaware of? Physics has been trying figure out
the relationship between magnetism and gravity for years. Ed
talks about "neutral magnets", which is very close to a
description of scalar technology. Could a man with a 4th grade
education figure out a technology that the best minds in physics
had missed for years? Now that would be ironic wouldn't it?


-----Original Message-----
From: panamabob []
Sent: Tuesday, September 25, 2001 10:58 PM
Subject: Re: CS>Pyramid etc. South Florida

Most interesting how the stories grow and how narrators can make what is
essentially common place seem astounding.

The Panama Canal, a pretty amazing amount of engineering, become almost
unbelievable when you consider that there were no bulldozer, front end
loaders or any other modern day common earth moving equipment.

The gates of the locks, weighing 750 TONS each, are so perfectly balanced
that one man can move them. This is technology (or lack of technology) of
the 1906 era.

Water is moved from a chamber 1000 ft long, 110 ft wide and 60 ft deep to
another in 3 minutes with NO pumps of any kind.

The earth moved from one segment of the diggings could build 10 Cheop
pyramids. All this was done in about 4-5 years of actual work.

You may consider again what block and tackles can do. Properly laid out, a
pulley system could easily lift 4000 lbs with the wieght of a 100 lbs man.
Attaching one end of the rope to a standard divides the wieght in 1/2 from
the start. Each "loop" reduces again by 1/2. So first loop is down to 2000
lbs, second to 1000, third to 500, fourth to 250, fifth to 125, and sixth to
under 70 lbs.

He may very well have had some magical system., (or not) but obviously it's
gone either way so we may just as well look at what systems ARE probable.
This seems more probable than 4th dimension mysterio energy forces...don't
you think? (Although its more fun to think of UFO magic wands etc.:-)

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