Gil forwarded:
> > >Subject: FW: Please Read and Forward to Everyone You Can Think of

>> Rick Bachofner wrote: THOUGH SHE'S DEAD AND HAS JUST BEEN
>> SHALLOW GRAVE. GET THIS: CBS will discontinue "Touched by an Angel"
>> for using the word God in every program. Madeline Murray O'Hare, an
>> atheist, successfully managed to eliminate the use of Bible reading
>> from public schools a few years ago. ... [MUNCH]

Hi Gil, list members,

I think it's a good idea to steer clear of forwarding messages like 
this to the list. 

First, this particular one raises issues of religion, which is always
a potential argument starter -- and which is specifically cited as one
of the things to avoid in the list rules.

No, you don't have to de-God everything you say, think, or feel, but
steer clear of raising or debating such issues directly. Passing
references to faith, statements of gratitude, friendly offers or 
requests for prayer are fine.

Secondly, any message that asks you to "Forward to everybody you can
think of!" is one that you should check out carefully. Do you have a 
source for the claims being made? Case, docket or bill numbers? Dates? 
Contact information?

Many of these are hoaxes, ill-concieved efforts, or so out of date or
far removed from their origins as to be worthless -- and no service to
your friends. They are little more than computer viruses propagated by
manipulating the feelings of their targets.

Lastly, I don't care if off topic stuff gets going here and there, 
but please be cautious of starting a thread from scratch with nothing 
to do with CS or alternative health questions, okay?

Thanks, all.

Mike Devour
silver-list owner

[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[                        ]
[Speaking only for myself...               ]

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