Anyway...this is a hoax....
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "M. G. Devour" <>
To: "Gil DiSanto" <>; <>
Sent: Friday, September 28, 2001 11:19 AM
Subject: CS>User propagated computer viruses...

> Gil forwarded:
> > > >Subject: FW: Please Read and Forward to Everyone You Can Think of
> >> Rick Bachofner wrote: THOUGH SHE'S DEAD AND HAS JUST BEEN
> >> SHALLOW GRAVE. GET THIS: CBS will discontinue "Touched by an Angel"
> >> for using the word God in every program. Madeline Murray O'Hare, an
> >> atheist, successfully managed to eliminate the use of Bible reading
> >> from public schools a few years ago. ... [MUNCH]
> Hi Gil, list members,
> I think it's a good idea to steer clear of forwarding messages like
> this to the list.
> First, this particular one raises issues of religion, which is always
> a potential argument starter -- and which is specifically cited as one
> of the things to avoid in the list rules.
> No, you don't have to de-God everything you say, think, or feel, but
> steer clear of raising or debating such issues directly. Passing
> references to faith, statements of gratitude, friendly offers or
> requests for prayer are fine.
> Secondly, any message that asks you to "Forward to everybody you can
> think of!" is one that you should check out carefully. Do you have a
> source for the claims being made? Case, docket or bill numbers? Dates?
> Contact information?
> Many of these are hoaxes, ill-concieved efforts, or so out of date or
> far removed from their origins as to be worthless -- and no service to
> your friends. They are little more than computer viruses propagated by
> manipulating the feelings of their targets.
> Lastly, I don't care if off topic stuff gets going here and there,
> but please be cautious of starting a thread from scratch with nothing
> to do with CS or alternative health questions, okay?
> Thanks, all.
> Mike Devour
> silver-list owner
> [Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
> [                        ]
> [Speaking only for myself...               ]
> --
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