Thank you people, for your concern and advice.
 My system is a 240V to 12V transformer resisted to a bit over 1 
mA and I stir it with an old knitting needle bored out to fit the shaft 
on a 12V motor out of an old cassette player, that is resisted too, 
to slow it down a bit.
The silver is 12 ga rods immersed 5" into 1/2 gallon 4" apart and I 
cook it for 1 1/2 hours. It is cloudy grey/white, but clears over a 
couple of days. It has been very effective on all the other ills the 
family has encountered, especially conjuctivitis (3 month old baby), 
misc. burns, (brilliant) cleared up chronic cough in 7 year old with 
neb. My five month old grandson had what looked like ringworm on 
his scalp, stopped that in its tracks, took about two weeks to 
completely clear it. 
My 9 year old grandson doesn't need puffer for asthma(??) any 
So all in all it really has been effective against all else except this 
mongrel of a sore throat. PS. No other symptoms, just the sore 
throat, so sore, I have had to resort to pain killers (panadeine forte) 
to cope with it. I am a heavy smoker/ coffee freak?
Regards to all, Tony Cahill

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