Things are beginning to feel good Mike et al...  Adversity can do that -
polarize change, and hopefully toward the primary purpose!

For the new people on the list, and the ones that have always been there:

I've been studying colloidal silver for roughly three years now.  When I
started, I had a small amount of information which I had no choice but to
accept as solid and definative, having only limited sources of information
and a limited time in which to act.  The colloidal silver list, upon
discovery, took all of my absolutes and turned them into doubts.  This
turned out to be a great thing due to the fact that I chose to accept a
fundamental truth ( which had more than adequately been demonstrated
personally ) and weather through the doubts that had been raised in my own
mind.  The fundamental truth was the undisputable fact that colloidal silver
had health-impacting benefits.  The doubts had to do with processes of
creation, safety, dosage levels, the efficacy against specific afflictions,
and the way colloidal silver works in the body.

This is the place I found where I could watch, learn, and trust that those
involved had a purity of purpose, and that purpose was shared, despite,
because of, or irregardless of financial, moral, political, or spiritual
motives and preferences.  All similiarities past this point?  There were
none universal to all.  And that is the exact gift that this list presents
to those who choose to view.  I have seen two other colloidal silver lists,
and they do not compare, not in the least, to this list.  I subscribe to
well over 20 lists, and most, frankly, are near worthless.  Why?  Because
most of the information shared on the others are readily found in other
places, and the listers simply pass this information back and forth, and
perhaps boast a few experts, who seldom have the time to fully expound upon
their formulations.  Often, the "passed on" information is not fully
adsorbed by the persons passing it on, and errors often result - time
consuming errors.  Personal testimonials can be found, and yet, one can find
testimonials to almost anything - and in abundance! - anywhere on the net,
and at personal convenience.

Many people seek effectiveness, but few have learned the value of seeking
understanding.  Many people seek answers, but fewer have been taught the
value of seeking different questions.  Many people seek to challenge, but
few really pursue the truth over the thrill of the power of contention, or
the power of being right.

That's what makes this list so different.  1) It contains extraordinary
diversity that is often so involved in the positive ( even if the "positive"
comes out with an unpolished expression once in awhile ) that it forgets
that many in normal walks of life would not associate with each other,
having met in the real world.  2)  It possesses a pool of talent that is
willing to spend YEARS dedicated to a SINGLE subject, and openly share their
experiences, sometimes as if it were their personal journal.  3)  A
flexibility that can only be found under wise management, a tolerant
membership, and an environment that dares to accept challenges.

Nearly every single one of us agrees that if one starts from the very
basics, one is light years ahead of the general population.  If you are new,
hold on to that one concept.  There is no risk, and there is everything to
gain.  Nearly every one of us agrees that there are significant questions
that have not been answered satisfactorily.  That, indeed, is a measure of
the lists honesty.  This list has not degraded into a social club, nor has
it succumbed to cultish behavior.

Having said that there are questions which remain unanswered, I'd like to
qualify that safety of use is not one of them, provided your colloidal
silver is made in lower concentrations OR via the electrolysis method.
That's not to say that other types of colloidal silver ARE harmful, only
that there are questions that remain unanswered.  This means that you have
time to explore for yourself the many facets of colloidal silver as a beginn

Now for some experience:

I found colloidal silver with less than twenty dollars to my name, and a
loved one dying in the hospital, with everyone powerless to stop it.  I
spent countless hours day in and day out researching any possible treatment
that I could somehow apply to a hospital setting where I had no real power.
I wrote research institutions getting no return response.  Then I found
colloidal silver.  I located the only supplier in the area that carries
higher grade silver, and proceeded to make the simple nine-volt battery
generator with two silver 18 gauge wires in 8 ounces of distilled water.  I
created and drank about 1 liter myself to see if I would keel over.  When I
didn't, I made 16 ounces, and snuck it into the hospital in an blue glass
Arizona Ice Tea bottle.

My situation was a blessing in disguise.  My loved one had not eaten in over
twenty days ( probably closer to thirty ).  I believe that the stomach had
stopped producing stomach acids.  Liquid food was delivered via an IV.
Because of this, I believe that very little of the colloidal silver was
converted into silver chloride in the stomach.  The condition was Staph and
Pseudomonas, both antibiotic resistant hospital strains, where the infection
had become septic and flesh eating.  Massive blood transfusions were
required to keep the blood oxygenated, sometimes on a daily basis.  A
minimum temperature of 105 degrees had been maintained constantly for at
least 30 days, and no treatment applicable could break it.  The surgeon was
one of the best in the state, and he tried everything that he could legally
get away with.  A week prior to my experiment, he had, with hands in the
air, stopped all IV antibiotics because they had shown absolutely no
positive effect.

48 hours ( roughly ) after colloidal silver was taken orally, the fever
broke.  A speedy recovery occured, and about 72 hours after the fever broke,
we no longer needed the services of the hospital.  It is possible that all
of this was simply coincidence.  My belief, however, is that enough silver
hit the blood stream to augment the body's immune system enough to eliminate
the infection in the blood.  This might have been directly related to ionic
silver, or directly related to particle silver - that is unknown.  You don't
have to completely and independently eliminate an infection, you only have
to "turn the tide".  I've developed some theories as to exactly what
happened, when it might be reproducible, when it might fail, and why.  They
are only theories, and eventually I plan to write it all up so anyone facing
a similiar situation will have added information to draw from.  I do not
believe that drinking colloidal silver will always, or even most of the
time, save the life of a person with such an infection ( very, very few such
people live when the infection is in the abdominal region ).

I believe my experience was a blessed exception, but after my experience, it
was clear I needed to delve deeply into colloidal silver.  Since that time,
colloidal silver has become a primary consideration in any treatment
situation I have faced, and seldom have I been dissapointed with the
results.  I don't expect colloidal silver to be a "miracle drug".  History
has taught that miracle drugs, no matter how natural or how well engineered
and effective, have long term consequences if all factors of health are not
carefully considered.  Rather, I view colloidal silver as one of two
extraordinary agents that can be universally used in any well-thought out

I have found CS to be extremely effective against ear infections, sore
throats, mouth infections, lung infections, and general "colds".  Yet even
so, there is a fundamental principle when using colloidal silver:  Don't
rush, and pay attention.  It is often not enough to gulp colloidal silver to
beat a sore throat, or leisurely inhale a colloidal silver mist via a
nebulizer to arrest a stubborn lung infection.  Consideration must be given
to the situation.  Colloidal silver DOES coat the throat as it is
swallowed - and it is SILVER IONS that coat the throat, and remain active
for at least five minutes.  However, this same colloidal silver is quickly
"spent", leaving any remaining infection to re-populate depending on the
level of the person's immune system response.  It is better to sip it, hold
it in one's mouth, and let it trickle down the throat after an initial dose.
The longest it has taken to arrest a sore throat has been six hours using
this method, although I am certain I have not tested it against every
possible TYPE of infection.  I am not saying that particle silver is not
effective, only what I can and have readily demonstrated through

Nearly all of my treasured knowledge about the subject of colloidal silver I
owe to the patient and diligent people of the Silver List.

The latest turmoil on the list is a byproduct of natural phenominon.  When
two extreme opposites polarize, an energy exchange is bound to happen.
Previously, there have been numerous disagreements on the list.  Usually,
they were just that - disagreements, with perhaps three or four different
perspectives that merited further thought.  There were no two exact ideas
that *apparently* stood exactly opposite the other.  When this happens, and
one "side" claims absolute value, there can be no rest.  The contrast
between ionic silver and particle silver created just these conditions.  The
sad fact is, there is no real reason for this dichotomy.  When it is all
said and done, I am willing to bet that there is value in both avenues of
research, and there is no reason for one to be pitted against the other.
The irony of the whole situation is that almost all colloidal silver made by
most people contains a substantial ( relatively speaking ) amount of both.

Again, it is the universal struggle against ignorance that we face.  This
universal struggle must be met with honesty and not simply resolve.
Ignorance often preceeds prejudice.  Prejudice often fuels anger.
Open-mindedness releases all three.  I have never doubted that the people of
 this list would dispel this energy, nor have I ever doubted that through
the entire experience, invaluable ideas would prosper, and growth would

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