Me too, Terry

----- Original Message -----
From: "Bill Missett" <>
To: <>
Sent: Wednesday, October 03, 2001 8:40 AM
Subject: Re: CS making, offer

| Terry:
| Thanks for your most  informative dissertation on CS making.  I would be
| most interested in receiving your archive of articles on how CS is used
| around the world.  However,  I am not an "off-list" member because for
| unknown reason Yahoo keeps bouncing my requests.  So I must make my
| on-list.  My E-mail address is   I would be most
| grateful if you could provide this to me.
| Thank you,  Bill Missett
| ----- Original Message -----
| From: Terry Chamberlin <>
| To: <>
| Sent: Wednesday, October 03, 2001 9:12 AM
| Subject: CS making, offer
| > Listers,
| > I make and supply CS to 70+ Health Food stores, 3
| > pharmacies, 3 Naturopathic doctors and a medical
| > doctor.
| >
| > Because I desire to see CS being used by as many
| > people as possible, here is my method. It is not
| > original, it is not complex, it is just cheap, simple
| > and effective.
| >
| > I also have a zip file that contains 40+ articles on
| > how CS is being used worldwide that is extremely
| > interesting and enlightening reading. Send me an email
| > off-list and I will send it to you.
| >
| > Here's my method:
| >
| > Colloidal Silver Brewing Instructions:
| >
| > The first question is, how much CS do you want to make
| > at a time? If you are only going to use it topically,
| > or occasionally put a little in a drink - say, to
| > fight off an approaching cold - you would only need to
| > make maybe 8 ounces. If your whole family will be
| > using it, and you're putting it in the family's milk,
| > juice, soup, sauce, etc., or spraying it on various
| > items (shower curtains, toilet bowls, houseplants,
| > garden plants, etc.) for its antiseptic affect, you
| > will need to make a quart or a gallon at a time.
| >
| > When I first started, I used a 12-volt DC adapter,
| > like what powers a cordless phone, or a cassette
| > player. When I saw how amazing CS worked, and I
| > started selling it to my clients, and then to HF
| > stores, I bought a whole box-full of adapters and
| > chain-linked them to get higher voltages (24-48
| > volts).
| >
| > Using a 12-volt (or whatever) DC adapter, here is what
| > you do. Cut off the jack on the end. Pull the wires
| > apart on the end, strip the insulation from 1/4" of
| > each end and attach alligator clips to each wire
| > (available at Radio Shack). You now have an excellent
| > CS machine (just like the $100+ gizmo, but without the
| > bells and whistles). You now need two 6" long silver
| > wires. You could type in "silver wires" in your search
| > engine and shop for best prices. The company I get
| > them from is called Sausalito Precious Metals. They
| > are in California, their phone number is 800-262-5367
| > or 800-942-4224. Good prices. If you're just making it
| > for yourself, and don't drink 1 quart a day, one set
| > of wires should last you a year. But you will probably
| > start giving it to your friends, so if you have to buy
| > 3+ sets of wires (or even 20') to get the best price,
| > you won't regret it (and still be spending far less
| > than the expensive gizmo!).
| >
| > Put 8 oz. of steam distilled water (DW) only (not
| > reverse osmosis, tap, well, mineral, filtered,
| > "purified" or "spring" water) in a jar (deionised is
| > also ok), hang the 99.9% pure silver wires down inside
| > by bending one end of each wire over the rim of the
| > jar so as to hang down on the outside of the jar about
| > 3/4" to 1", the rest of the wire hanging down on the
| > inside of the jar about 5". Remember, these wires are
| > pure silver, not Sterling silver. Sterling silver
| > contains other metals that may be toxic. Put them in
| > the jar so that they are about 1 1/2" - 2" apart,
| > hanging parallel to each other. Don't plug in the
| > adapter until everything is set up and connected.
| > Attach the alligator clips to the outside ends of the
| > two wires, with the wires going straight into the ends
| > of the clips, like they were jaws biting the ends, not
| > where the teeth on the sides are. You'll notice that
| > by twisting the alligator clips on the wires, it will
| > make the wires lean to the right or left, so this is
| > how you cause the wires to be straight and parallel to
| > each other. Plug in the adapter and let sit for 2
| > hours.
| >
| > After a few minutes you may observe bubbles of
| > hydrogen rise from one silver wire, while an ultra
| > fine silver mist may begin to float off the other. If
| > you alternate the alligator clips on the wires (change
| > polarity) every 1/2 hour, the wires will wear evenly.
| > (Eventually one or the other will become so thin it
| > will disappear. Time to replace it!) The color of the
| > water when you are finished, whether gray, yellow,
| > gold or brown, is unimportant to the effectiveness of
| > the CS. The more color, the stronger the taste. Since
| > there are usually silver sludge/particles to some
| > degree, you might strain them off through a coffee
| > filter or paper towel. (The silver particles are not
| > harmful.) You will find that if you don't change
| > polarity (switch the alligator clips), one of the
| > wires may grow a gray "fuzz" around it, which you will
| > want to clean off the wire when you are through. This
| > is normal. You can make no mistakes that make CS toxic
| > or dangerous if you follow these directions and use
| > pure silver wire. If you leave it too long and the
| > water is loaded with silver sludge/particles, it may
| > be too bitter to get past your tongue (though it
| > wouldn't hurt you), but it will work just fine
| > externally (though you could dilute and drink it).
| > Some people intentionally make it stronger for topical
| > applications (though that's not necessary). Your jar
| > will eventually become stained on the sides and bottom
| > with silver oxide, which scrubs off easily with a
| > nylon scrubber.
| >
| > One of the wires will become "hairy" with a gray-black
| > fur, and there may be gray-black stuff on the sides or
| > bottom of the jar, or floating around in the water.
| > There may be a silvery film on the top of the water.
| >
| > None of this matters. At the end of 2 hours, unplug
| > the adapter and unhook the alligator clips from the
| > wires. Put a coffee filter or paper napkin in a
| > funnel, pour your CS through it into a clean jar, and
| > you've done it! Wipe off the wires with a paper napkin
| > or a nylon pot scrubber. If you stir the batch while
| > it's brewing, every 15-30 minutes or so, and if you
| > swap the alligator clips every 30 minutes, too, the
| > fuzz will be less, and there will be less "sludge" in
| > the water.
| >
| > If you have been reading on the silver-list for very
| > long, you will have seen a lot of discussion about
| > voltages, current limiting, particle size, stirring
| > motors, constant current, etc. I don't believe any of
| > this is essential. I make and sell CS to Alternative
| > Health practitioners and Health Food stores all across
| > Canada (70+ so far, including 3 pharmacists, 3
| > Naturopathic doctors and one medical doctor). The
| > reports I regularly receive are difficult to believe.
| > It's actually almost difficult to make CS the wrong
| > way. By "wrong way" I mean a CS that is toxic in some
| > way, or made in such a way as to be ineffective. I've
| > made it low and high-voltage, and it doesn't matter -
| > it's still effective CS. All the concern about
| > particle size is, in my opinion, unimportant. People
| > used to grind up silver into powder, stir it into
| > water and drink it, with positive results. How much
| > bigger would the smallest mechanically ground-up chunk
| > of silver be than the largest electrically generated
| > particle? A thousand times bigger? Ten thousand? To
| > worry over electrically-generated particle size seems
| > to me unnecessary. The same applies to metallic vs.
| > ionic, or colloidal, or positive or negative charges,
| > etc.
| >
| > I am happy to see various individuals pursuing
| > research into the technical aspects of CS and the
| > making of CS, we need the scientific types to do the
| > research. But it would be easy to get the impression
| > that, to make effective, safe CS, you must carefully
| > do things just right, that to make a mistake could be
| > dangerous. NOT SO. Making good quality CS is extremely
| > simple and easy. Once again, I want to say: Particle
| > size (when generated electrically) is not essential. I
| > have seen no evidence to demonstrate any superiority
| > in the effectiveness or safety of crystal-clear,
| > constant-current, pre-heated, stirred, smallest
| > particle size high-voltage CS over any dark-gold or
| > brown 9-volt CS. There is no reason whatsoever to
| > believe that 1 - 50 ppm CS can be dangerous in any
| > way, in any quantity (that humans are capable of
| > ingesting), made by any process (using only pure
| > water, electricity and silver). Neither have I seen
| > any evidence that 10 ppm (or whatever) CS is more or
| > less effective using one process over another. All of
| > the simplicity and convenience that we wish life had
| > in other areas we find in Colloidal Silver. Safe,
| > easy, cheap, effective, amazing.
| >
| > If you are going to sell it, you will need to find a
| > source of steam distilled or deionized water. If you
| > use water with chlorine in it, you may make
| > silver-chloride, which is believed by some to be an
| > irritant to the body. If you use well or spring water,
| > there is concern (by some) that the silver MAY form
| > compounds with whatever other minerals are in the
| > water, which MAY be toxic. Nobody knows if there is
| > actually a problem with using mineral water. It's
| > being used in third-world countries (where distilled
| > or deionized water is not available or is too costly),
| > and I have read no reports of bad side-effects. My own
| > experience is that mineral water makes a murky-colored
| > CS, which, though still effective, does not look
| > appetizing.
| >
| > There are several key points about CS-making that will
| > simplify the whole thing.
| >
| > First, there is no perfect or optimal voltage. The
| > more voltage you have, the faster you make CS, and the
| > more you can make per batch, up to about 110-120
| > volts. At that voltage, the amperage (current) stays
| > at about 20 ma, which makes a clear, very small
| > particle size CS. You don't have to limit it because
| > your batch is ready before the current gets too high
| > (too high for what?). If you overcook it, you will
| > know because the CS will be dark and dirty-looking
| > (this is still good, usable, effective CS, by the way,
| > but people are resistant to drinking dark,
| > dirty-looking liquids). So it's simple - you stop
| > brewing just before it gets dirty. You don't have to
| > overcook any batches to find out, either, you just
| > have to be watching. As soon as the water starts to
| > become murky, stop brewing. Subtract 5-10 minutes from
| > the time it took for the water to start becoming
| > murky, and you know what your proper brewing time is.
| > If the CS turns yellow or gold in the next day or two,
| > shorten your brewing time another 10 minutes.
| >
| > If you want to use high-voltage, the simplest way is
| > to use the voltage out of the wall, using a rectifier
| > to change it to DC. (I purchased one from a TV repair
| > shop for $5. It's a 40-amp rectifier, way more than
| > enough.) I don't know what your local wall voltage is
| > (wherever you are located), but I assume it's 110-120
| > volts. You will basically be using a rectifier to
| > change the AC to DC (same voltage), then connecting
| > the positive and negative wires on the rectifier to
| > two long wires that end with alligator clips, which
| > you clamp onto the ends of your 2 silver wires. To be
| > safe, you should have some kind of fuse set-up before
| > the rectifier, so if you short the wires, you won't
| > burn down the house. Even better would be a Ground
| > Fault Circuit Interrupter. It's safer to use low
| > voltage, 12-30+ volts. I use 110 VDC. I can make ten
| > gallons at a time, using 10 one-gallon pickle jars. I
| > position the silver wires as far apart as the jars
| > will allow (5 1/2"). With low voltage, the wires need
| > to be closer together. I never tried to make 10
| > gallons in one shot with 30 volts, so I don't know how
| > that would work. Probably burn out the adapter.
| >
| > The whole current-limiting thing is based on the idea
| > that high current makes big particles, which are
| > difficult for the body to assimilate. But, again,
| > considering the size of mechanically ground-up silver
| > particles (which were effective), I don't think it's
| > essential.
| >
| > GOOD IDEA: Don't drink this batch. Get a wide-mouth
| > quart jar (like a canning or mayonnaise jar), pour
| > your new-made 8 oz. batch into it, fill it the rest of
| > the way up with distilled water, and repeat the above
| > instructions. Strain and serve. You now have one quart
| > of good-quality home-made Colloidal Silver. Each time
| > you make a new batch of CS, "seed" it with 1/4 CS as a
| > starter, and it cuts the brewing time by 2/3. (For 8
| > oz., put 2 oz. of CS as a starter plus 6 oz. of DW and
| > brew for 20-30 minutes instead of 1 hour; for 1 quart,
| > use 8 oz. of starter plus 24 oz. of DW and brew 30-45
| > minutes. All of the previous is assuming you are using
| > 30 volts.) If you leave it too long, you will have a
| > stronger batch which will usually turn yellow or gold
| > in a day or two, but your wires will not last as long,
| > and the particle size will be bigger. (Assuming
| > smaller is better or even matters.)
| >
| > You can hardly make any mistakes doing this. If you
| > forget and leave it too long, dilute it with more
| > distilled water, as much as you need to make it taste
| > OK (slightly bitter, not nasty bitter). Nothing you
| > can do (besides adding other substances while brewing,
| > or using non-distilled or non-deionised water) can
| > make it toxic or harmful. If you leave it too long
| > (I've done it many times), the water may be a cloudy
| > gray or a dark, murky brown, very unappetizing, full
| > of dirty-looking black stuff. Don't fear! Strain it
| > out and dilute the CS to taste, and it's still
| > wonderful CS. One of my clients, the first time he
| > made CS, left the wires in for 24 hours (completely
| > dissolved one of the wires!). He then drank the whole
| > batch at one time! Had a rush of energy (he has
| > chronic fatigue syndrome), and it cured a
| > gastro-intestinal disorder he had!
| >
| > Low-voltage CS can be sunlight sensitive. Keep in a
| > cool, dark place. Some people use darkly tinted glass
| > bottles, or rinse out hydrogen peroxide bottles to
| > store colloidal silver in. Other people use the hard,
| > clear plastic bottles such as contain fruit juice, or
| > lemon concentrate or Perrier water, or soda pop. Some
| > people claim you should not refrigerate it (I'm not
| > sure it matters. It certainly won't spoil if you
| > don't). Do not store near motors, speaker cabinets or
| > other strong magnetic fields (the silver falls to the
| > bottom). Full potency can be retained for at least a
| > month when the CS is properly stored. (This applies to
| > low-voltage CS. The higher the voltage, the longer it
| > lasts. High voltage seems to last forever.) If you use
| > CS as much and as often as I do, you don't worry about
| > it "spoiling" (which it doesn't do anyway).
| >
| > To use it topically, you can use a poultice or
| > bandage. Drinking CS every day is believed to
| > strengthen one's immune system. Most people drink 1
| > oz. twice a day regularly as a lifestyle, then consume
| > more when sick or becoming sick (up to 16 oz. per day
| > or even more). There are no reports of anyone becoming
| > sick or being harmed by drinking CS, no matter what
| > quantity they consume. If you have questions, feel
| > free to contact me:
| >
| > Terry Chamberlin
| > Metabolic Solutions Institute
| > RR1
| > Lawrencetown, Nova Scotia B0S 1M0
| > Canada
| > 902-584-3810
| >
| >
| >
| >
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