I'd be glad to host it on my website and have it on anyone elses website too, of course. But probably better, one of the free website available, placed there and updated by a non vendor so that a vendor could link to it if they wanted. It's not hard.
The page must be non edited if hosted on a vendor website...like, no added comments etc.
A vendor could defend his product on his own website, at the risk of appearing 'pissy', especially if it is done by cutting another down...no way to control that.

There was a website at www.colloidal-silver.com that promised to do an evaluation every month...but never evaluated anything but Robey even though several vendors sent samples to be evaluated [I for one with no results what-so-ever]... and the site had a manufacturers resource listing but it was completely co-opted by Robey..turned worthless for comparative value.
Alas, It could have been good and had a high search engine rating too. [probably because of all the other sites that linked to it]
Tricky Deception
Gotta find someone who's honest.

At 01:15 PM 10/3/01 -0400, you wrote:
>Hi Ken.
>You said: "...It might be helpful to have a vendors page where each product
>evaluated by an uninvolved expert [or panel of] and includes users comments
>which could be solicited from listers...not vendors..."
>That sounds like a great idea!! I'm not sure how feasible it is or how
>willing the list owners would be to put their necks out like that, but it
>would be a genuine help to those looking for dependable information on CS or
>generators. I know I would have searched it many times by now.
>Mike, What are the chances of this happening?
>LTR }}:{(
>Langsley T Russell
>Bulloved Bulldogs
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>List maintainer: Mike Devour <mdev...@eskimo.com>