Greetings Terry:

>However, people are making CS in
> locations where DW or similar is not available, and
> experiencing excellent results. This is water is most
> likely full of minerals, and compounds of various
> kinds must be occurring. If there is any definitive
> evidence of real danger from compounds that occur
> between silver and the minerals normally found in well
> or stream water, I'm sure the folks in, say,
> third-world countries would want to know.

Them and I both!  I certainly would have no reason to be concerned over
short-term use ( short term even being a year or two ) of such a substance,
used in reasonable quantities ( ~ 8 ounces a day, perhaps? ).  I think the
real question is in long term effects, and long term effects from a certain
substance can be hard to study and pin down.

> One purpose is to avoid functioning as though we
> really KNEW as a fact what are frequently merely
> logical deductions. ("We know that this is true,
> therefore this must be true.") Since there is so much
> we DON'T know about what goes on molecularly, this
> kind of mentality can easily drift off the road. I
> recognize that experience and clinical testing still
> does not actually PROVE anything, but merely gives us
> strong (if that) indications of what to expect next.
> The second purpose to seek substantiation is in fact
> to be able to talk with some credibility to those
> scientific professionals who will listen.

Back to basics is always a good idea with me, Terry.  Often times, it is the
obvious we miss!

It is my opinion that real scientific professionals listen to everything.
That is my experience, though it doesn't come from academia.  You are right,
though - finding accuracy and clear language to communicate with
professionals is always a good idea.  When dealing with the "non-listening"
professionals, I know the language they speak - the language of Current and
Accepted Authority.  So I try to speak that language in applicable
situations, where I can, although in truth there are more people out there
willing to listen then there are deaf and stubborn.  I really prefer to
spend my time with them.

> Without this
> kind of substantiation, we cannot criticise them for
> rejecting us and CS outright.

Very true!

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