Hi folks,
     I am trying something new......I made some lotion this morning
and it turned out great but I have some questions that I hope someone
can answer.  
     I made the  lotion  using my homemade CS as the water part.
 It looks good...just like all of my other creams and lotions.
However ......in making lotions you need to  heat the
water part up to about 150 degrees and add citric acid to this.
Can you heat CS without it going out of solution?  Does citric acid
or veggie oils cause any problems and cause it to go out of solution?
Is there anyway to check to see if the particles are suspended as they
should be?   Are there any chemists on this list that could check this out
for me and who could also do a challenge test on this?
   What my goals are in doing this is to be able to make a cream without
preservatives that would have a good shelf life and also one that would be 
healing to the skin.
Any and all comments or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Joy Huffman

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