My name is Lucy Giesbrecht and I live in Winnipeg, Mb. Canada. I am a single
mother with two teenage boys, and we are owned by our Geat Dane Zena.  Over
the years I have shown and bred Great Danes, but my main interest was their
health and welfare.  I have assisted in the cropping of ears and their after
care.  My interest in joining the list is to learn more about colloidal
silver and its used for both humans and animals. I believe in doing the best
for my family.  My Great Dane is not fed any commercial food, only raw.
There have been many things thrown around about CD on some of the other
lists I am on, so I thought it was best that I join this list and listen to
people that know what they are talking about.

Lucy Giesbrecht
Kimdane Reg
A Family Owned By Great Danes
Winnipeg, Mb. Canada
ICQ 57495753

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