It takes two to offend.
 The offender and the offendee play the same game...[in effect] "You are
responsible for my feelings"..."You are in control of the way I perceive

Overheard at the end of a heated arguement. "Don't you think you are
wrong??!!" idea so ludicrous, when both sides stopped to consider it, that the
arguement ended in laughter.
 If another persons thoughts are not 'your' problem, there's no perception
of attack possible.
 To insist that another agree with your thoughts is a sure recipe for
>Another part of *why* so many of our remarks can offend others is the 
>tendency of e-mail to amplify emotional effects well beyond what we 
>intend. Any critical remark, no matter how benignly intended, is 
>percieved untempered by a gentle tone of voice, soothing inflection, 
>sympathetic look, or non-confrontational body language.

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