For the sake of what we are about on the silver list, whether breeders
or owners choose to have dogs' ears and/or tails cropped is not
an issue we need to or should discuss. 

Like it or not, certain breeds of dogs are modified by convention. So 
are human babies. Even teenagers have found some novel mutations to 
inflict upon themselves for that matter! <grin>

We shall have to agree to disagree on this non-essential issue.

I hope we can move on now.

Mike Devour
silver-list owner

> Marhalee,
> I do not have great danes but I DO have dogs with floppy ears.
> All of them do not have ear infections except one due to her
> hypothyroidism. But cropping her ears just so that the infection
> clears is not an option. In fact her infection will do just fine when
> when her health gets better. Josephine Hawaii
>   When I was young, my sister had 4 big black Great Danes, 3 were
>   cropped, one wasn`t. The 3 cropped ones never got an ear infection,
>   the natural dog always had to have something done for those big,
>   smelly ears... My dos centavos worth... Marshalee

[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[                        ]
[Speaking only for myself...               ]

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