Sorry for the double message, Kim. I managed to send my reply to you 
privately when I intended it to go to the list...

You wrote:
> I had an acute ulcer attack yesterday - bad enough that I went to the
> doctor (which is saying a lot, I do not like going!).  The
> prescription was Zantac.

I can sympathise. I went through a similar episode 10 years ago or so.

I was given Zantac as well, and it almost immediately relieved me of
symptoms and apparently allowed my ulcer to heal. I did not know
anything about alt-med at the time, and don't know what problems there
are with Zantac in general, or for nursing mothers...

> He mentioned the possibility of it being caused by bacteria, but 1)
> I'm nursing and don't want to take antibiotics and 2) we no longer
> have insurance.

I guess there's a lot of evidence leaning in that direction. If true it
suggests CS will help. I would certainly try it if I came up with
another ulcer.

You certainly don't want abx while nursing. We've been given a few
testimonials from women (or their partners) who've used CS throughout
pregnancy and lactation without harm to mother or child.

CS certainly is cheaper to make than the co-pay for scrip abx on most
insurance plans. It'll also keep you from getting a lot of the bugs that
float around, reducing your costs futher.

Our family has been nearly antibiotic-free for the last 4 years now as
opposed to at least 3 or 4 times a year for me and several more for my
wife or various kidlets before we learned about CS.

> I've tried searching the archives and have come across several 
> references to H. pylori and CS, but it's difficult to wade through
> those archives! 

Sorry! Sometimes the info is not there in a searchable form. You'd need
to try all the possible search words and always slog through a lot of
false hits... We'll try to put as many condition-specific search results
together as possible in the upcoming web FAQ's for easier browsing.

> So my question is, how much CS should I be taking a
> day for an ulcer?  Does it work effectively against H. pylori?  I'd
> really like to get rid of this - I was in so much pain yesterday I had
> to have my dh come home from work to take care of the kids : (

My personal opinion is, if it were my wife under similar circumstances
(nursing), I'd go with it. There's little chance of harm, in my opinion,
and much to gain if it works.

How much depends on what you're using. Typical 5-15 ppm home brew?
Maybe a swallow, swished in your mouth for a couple of minutes, 2 to 3
times a day? It'll help your teeth! <smile> Dosing is not that critical.
Start with just a tiny bit (a few drops or a teaspoon) to be sure you
don't have any allergic reaction. Then just ramp up slowly to whatever
seems to work.

You'll only know for sure by trying, and that, only if you are willing
to trust it is safe. *That* judgement is always yours alone to make. 

Be well,

Mike D.
[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[                        ]
[Speaking only for myself...               ]

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