"...I finally gave her Charles Manson's #" [SS#]

Superb.  An acquaintance of mine modifies bar codes on forms.  He converts
them into the UPC for a can of peas.

What is CM's SS#?

James-Osbourne: Holmes

-----Original Message-----
From: TJ Garland [mailto:goldenok...@hotmail.com]
Sent: Saturday, November 03, 2001 7:45 PM
To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Subject: CS>greedy Dr's

List-- I went a ENT for an ear problem last week.  I was given a 3 pm appt.,
and found a FULL office. I guess dr's overbook like Delta.  There was a
short 3/4 page med history to fill out while waiting. There's nothing like
reading 4 yr. old LADIES HOME JOURNALs. I finally went into the exam room at
4:15.  Next a nurse took more personal info and was indignant when I would
not give my SSN.  I finally gave her Charles Manson's #. A nurse took my bp.
The young doctor strolled in- I told him my problem and told him I had been
reading a lot about the problem, and had a BS in Chem and could talk shop
--but I told of no alt meds I had tried. I wanted a diagnosis and prognosis
from him. I also wanted a hearing test from a licensed audiologist. I told
him I had a history of ear problems as a child and my ear canal was very
itchy. He looked in my ear with a fancy "microscope" as he called it. It was
attached to  a flexible arm. He said hmmm- looks like there is a "crust" on
your eardrum. He then applied a little suction on them . I became dizzy.  He
then wrote me a prescription for 2% hydrocortizone in  2% acetic acid drops.
He would not answer any questions on sensorineural loss, ear infections,
antiobiotics, allergies, Meniere's, etc. He treated me like a 10 yr old
child. I  He would not do an audiogram. He wanted to see me next week after
taking the itch cream for a week ?!!!!!! I never told him I used garlic/
mullein for the canal problem. He marked my chart $150 (level 3 charge). I
had a fit!!( nicely) I could only get him down to $120 - and still felt the
prescription should have been for vaseline. His 3 man office was seeing 50
people an hour that day. I received absolutely nothing for the money. I only
went to him because he was supposed to be the "best"- and and I couldn't see
my own ear drum with my otoscope. He reinforced my opinion of the allopaths.
Any suggestions or comments??  Thanks for allowing the vent.  goldenokie9

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