I recently looked up antibiotics in my Webster's Collegiate Dictionary.   The
definition made clear that originally the term derived from antibiosis,  which
is in essence the war between different organisms,  one hostile to another.
So I think the definition below r.e. living organisms is scientifically


Marshall Dudley wrote:

> Terry Chamberlin wrote:
> > I have been running into increasing 'rumors' of renal
> > failure and liver problems from CS. Here is the
> > content of a brochure I created (a collection of
> > quotes and references) in response to these 'rumors'.
> > It's a long one, but you may want to copy it to print
> > and hand to friends and doubters.
> >
> > The Final Word on Silver Toxicity
> >
> > Quoting from Alexander G. Schauss, Ph.D.
> >
> > Argyria would be equivalent of 380,000 micrograms (or
> > 3.8 grams) of silver a day.
> >
> 3.8 grams of silver is 3,800,000 micrograms, he is off by 10,
> > . However, silver
> > is not termed an antibiotic as some have claimed
> > because an antibiotic by definition is derived from a
> > living organism.
> Is he making this up as he goes along?  "anti"-"biotic" mean destroying
> life.  That is the definition.  If you look it up in the dictionary you get:
> Main Entry: 1an·ti·bi·ot·ic
> Pronunciation: "an-ti-bI-'ä-tik, -"tI-; "an-ti-bE-
> Function: adjective
> Date: 1894
> 1 : tending to prevent, inhibit, or destroy life
> If we take his definition than almost none of the present antibiotics are
> antibiotics since most are manufactured in a pharmaceutical company from
> chemicals.
> Marshall
> --
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