Get rid of it, as in to remove it from your hands, yes, kill it no. 
You've seen it on the news yourself, pictures of hazmat teams being
decontaminated by being sprayed down, stepping into another bin, being
sprayed down again, several times.  They are sprayed down with water. 
All of the water run off is then treated as biohazardous waste.  

Today I attended a teleconference put on by the CDC regarding
bioterrorism, of course anthrax was part of the discussion.  The best
decontamination method for hard surfaces and the one recommended by the
CDC is still just a good old 10% bleach solution, alcohol won't kill it,
many of the super expensive antimicrobial sprays that labs are fond of
purchasing won't kill it, just good old 1 part bleach, 9 parts water 

>>>I saw a head medical honcho on TV the other day and he said "Just by
rinsing your hands with water for 20 seconds after reading your mail,
will get rid of any anthrax spores"   I doubt that any bacterial soap
could kill it anyhow, but will make people feel safer.  He didn't say
anything about clothes, shoes and such. 
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