Hello Leo

I was out of my Internet for a few days.
Here it is what I did to rehydrate myself.

First, I fount that I am drinking not to much water.
I also found simple and nice way to calculate how much water shall I
Take your weight, divide by 2 and that number in ounces is the water
that recommended to drink.
I am 180 pound and I must take 90 ounces of water. It is about 3
bottles of Seltzer soda water, 1 liter each.
The problem is that I cannot drink much water, and do not know why.
So I decided to attract myself to drink.
I went to Supermarket and purchased Tetley Iced tea mix.  It is the
only powder mix without artificial stuff in it.
I found at home big cup about 20 ounces and fill it with cold, sweet
and sour Tetley drink.

I drink 20 ounces as I get up from bed.
I drink with food another 10 ounces.
During the day drink 2 x 20 ounces of tea.
In the evening I drink another 20 ounces.
I put at my night table 20 ounces of tea and while I am running at
night 2-3 times to pee, I drink that 20 ounces.
As I begin that simple procedure, within 2 days I lost my dry throat,
mouth and pain in kidneys.
I am planning to "get on" Microhydrin and Crystal water.
I was thinking should I take tea, or maybe juices, or soda and came to
conclusion that tea would be the simplest solution.

While you will experiment with rehydration, please, drop me a line,
how it going with you.


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