Hi folks,

We need to end the "Piggies" thread. 

Vegetarianism vs. not is a personal choice, and folks on either side
of the great divide can back up their decision with everything from 
religion to science to history to ... well, you get the idea. We won't 
resolve the differences here.

The silver-off-topic-list is available for those who would like to 
continue a civil discussion of the subject, but good behavior is 
required, just as here...

See the following for information:


Be well,

Mike D.

[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[mdev...@eskimo.com                        ]
[Speaking only for myself...               ]

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to: 
silver-list-requ...@eskimo.com  -or-  silver-digest-requ...@eskimo.com
with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.

To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com
Silver-list archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html
List maintainer: Mike Devour <mdev...@eskimo.com>