Actually it is not a hoax. While not 100% effective it will prevent
those worms/virii from sending a virus on to ALL recipients in your
address book. Some worms are selective and it will not stop those.
However it MAY give some warning that you are infected. A good
anti-virus program is obviously the best defense, as well as having the
patches applied.

  -----Original Message-----
  From: Tel Tofflemire []
  Sent: Monday, December 03, 2001 10:33 PM
  Subject: Re: CS>e-mail worm tip

  Its a HOAX
  Tel Tofflemire
  Phoenix, AZ
  Kevin Nolan wrote:

    Here is a tip from Gary North's newsletter:  Another reader sent me this
tip on how to keep your e-
    mail program from sending out virus-infected messages.  Go
    to your address book.  Add this name: 000 0000.  His
    address is 0...@0000.  This, my informant insists, will
    confuse any invading virus/worm that gets into your address
    book in search of the next batch of victims.  I'm willing
    to try this.  It can't hurt.Kevin Nolan