I feel that Wayne is dead right in specifying the quantity & voltage but
the current will vary on other factors such as size of electrodes,
distance apart, etc.  I can't answer his exact question but I can
indicate what I do for smaller runs which may help others.

I make 900 ml (bit over 1 1/2 pints)at a time and measure with separate
measuring electrodes of 12g siver wire immersed 3 1/2 inches hanging
over opposite sides of the glass vessel (3 1/2 inches apart) using 27V
and with the silver maker turned off (most important!).

I find that a curent of 1.25 to 1.5 milliamps gives me CS of 8-10 ppm as
measured by a Hanna PWT reading of 12-14 microS (using 0.69 as a
conversion factor).  The water I use is B.P. (British pharmaceutical
(the stuff that's used to make up medicines) which gives a reading of
000 on a TDS1.

Hope this helps somebody

Regards   Terry (the other one).

Wayne Fugitt wrote:
> Morning Bob, Terry, and the list,
> Often I find myself using my multi-meter to monitor CS process.
> So.... I decided to add a permanent current meter to the generator.
> Likely I will use a panel meter, edge type.   A digital meter would be nice
> and it could have multiple scales but one scale should be all I need.
> I think the target current needs to be from 10 to 15 or 20 ma.
> Question is, what full scale range should the meter be.

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