I think the issue isn't that protein stabilizers are toxic but that the
body assimilates them into the tissues along with the silver that's bound
to those proteins, thereby, retaining and isolating the silver that would
otherwise be free to roam about, do its thing and then be eliminated.
 In other words, the silver bound to the proteins gets stuck, is less
effective when stuck and being stuck, increases the chances of a high
accumulation up to the possibility of a toxic concentration of silver or
developing argryia...but the protein itself is as harmless as a hamburger.

 The lesson being, don't chemically bind your steak to your silver fork or
you'll eat your fork with the steak..and forks don't 'pass through' without
some resistance.
 [The tines get stuck]
 Chew  your fork at least a hundred times before swallowing it and eat
protein seperately as finger food?

At 08:45 AM 12/14/01 +0600, you wrote:
>I would also imagine that information on protein stabilizers is scarce,
>but it's good to have a bit of confidence there shold be some that are
>non-toxic. Where do you look for such infomation?  Also, you have said,
>'the only possible reason I can imagine wanting to do so (i.e. make
>concnentrated CS) is your reason!"  I'm unclear on the reason you're
>citing.  Primarily we use concentrated CS for saturation of earthenware
>water purifiers.  An outgrowth of this rationale is what appears to be
>the very real possibility of turning concentrated CS into an affordable
>health remedy for the poor.
>The U.N. recently came up with something like $30 million to provide
>drug companies with an incentive to research prophylaxes and cures for
>the new, virulent forms of malaria.  The incentive is necessary because
>the beneficiaries are primarily poor Africans, who haven't got enough
>money to be of interest to the drug companies.  I would imagine that on
>a similar basis some donor could be interested in the researching of
>non-toxic protein stabilizers for concentrated CS.  But then again, it
>appears there is a bit of evidence that CS also works against the
>malarial parasite.
>Jason/ AVRA wrote:
>.....I don't want to discourage your pursuits, Reid... Not at all.  Like
>mentioned earlier, I cannot imagine not being able to create a
>silver product that uses a protein stablizer that does not create
>potentially toxic silver compounds.  The only possible reason I can
>wanting to do so is your reason!
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