Hi Robb;

Immunocal is useful for both IBD diseases and arthritic pain. It is a
glutathione precursor. Drink it slowly on an empty stomach for best results.

What you are undergoing  is oxidative stress.

Fibromyalgia occurs because of low glutathione levels in the body. The
organs, then the immune system tend to use the precursors up, sacrificing
the digestive tract and the muscles and tissues.  It's a survival thing. The
muscles and tissues are sore because of continuing low-level oxidative
stress (free radical damage) at those sites due to a chronic lack of
GSH. Similarly many people with fibro also have IBD.

Ozone in the context of fibromyalgia is metioned several times in the
literature. Ozone doesn't stay ozone for many seconds in the body, but it
does release very large amounts of oxygen, and that's of course good for

But for that short burst the O3 also produces the desired high degree of
oxidative stress. If the person has enough selenium and (bioavailable)
cysteine in
their system, what happens is a large increase in glutathione production
over the next few days in response to the stress. Because systemic GSH has
risen, there finally is enough at the myalgia sites as well.

To continue,

http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/query.fcgi and enter "oxidative stress
AND glutathione", or "CFS AND glutathione". By quenching the free radical
damage you can take stock of what is actual disease and what is side effects
due to oxidative stress. I know people who have got rid of IBD and fibro, a
close relative of arthritis, with Immunocal.

Also the digestive enzyme Protease will help the leaky gut symptoms by
digesting food particles that are already in the bloodstream.

Taking Vioxx, you have a 1-in-300 chance of heart attack or stroke.

I hope you're taking ALL the b's and not just b-12....the b's must be
balanced, and the b-2 and folic acid must be there to methylate homocysteine
and avoid the stroke/heart attack.

You may contact me directly for more details.

Duncan Crow
Increase glutathione, your body's main antioxidant, to retard aging,
detoxify, and reverse disease. Immunocal is supported by the FDA and
is listed in the Physician's Desk Reference and Pharmacist's Red Book.
Call 1888-830-4040 for FREE in-depth messages  and Dr.'s testimonials.
Call 1888-462-3397 and use ID#57023 to get Immunocal for 40% off.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Robb Allen" <rube2...@hotmail.com>
To: <silver-list@eskimo.com>
Sent: Wednesday, December 12, 2001 8:50 PM
Subject: CS>My Arthritis...Still

| Greetings All......
| since my last update about my arthritis....I have severely relapsed....I
| personally 99% sure that what I am dealing with is none other than leaky
| syndrome.......I experience alergic-like reactions whenever I eat......the
| main symptom besides the arthritis is watery eyes.....this is just about
| drive me nuts!!!........My arthritis pain comes and goes....and thus far
| still avoiding my hands....{Thank God}......My worst spot is my
| shoulders.....the attacks jump around...from place to place.......right
| it is very very bad in my left shoulder......Feels like it has eate all
| way through the soft tissues...and is on raw bone........I had no choice
| to take vioxx...nothing else I know of will take the edge off of the
| pain.....I'm about to go nuts from all of this stuff........if anyone can
| offer any advice.....it would be much appreciated......I'm still hell bent
| against letting the medical proffesion do its thing...........here's what
| I'm doing right now........I'm on the water cure......have been for a long
| time......since I weigh about 200.....give or take.....I'm drinking about
| 100 ounces.....I'm also on MSM....6000 mg per day......b-12..6000 mcg per
| day.......I just started liquid alo vera.....3 ounces per day........and
| also just started PDA.....these last two supplements were given by the
| advice of my local health food store guru.........I've also stopped
| swallowing CS......I am doing the holding it in my mouth for 4 minute
| thing....I'm afraid of further damaging my flora........
|          If I fast for 2 or 3 days......the pain almost tottally
| disappears..........but I gotsta eat!!!!.....other than the hunger...I
| great while doing this........perhaps a marathon fast is in order??......I
| don't know if I can stand doing that or not......Many thanks to those of
| who have offered help in the past.....and many thanks in advance for what
| know will be good advice in the future.........Robb
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